This storm shelter was built for Georgia Pacific Gypsum Corporation, in Acme, Tx. It will be used as a multi purpose room for safety meetings, safety orientation as well as a tornado shelter. The 30×35 Storm Shelter, built per Texas stamped sealed drawings to comply with State of Texas building codes and the specifications of FEMA 361 and ICC 500 Standards for the design and construction of storm shelters. This unit has multiple HVAC units for the movement of air to provide comfort.
Bathroom was roughed in (piping only) for sewer, water, drain, only and all piping stubbed through floor and exterior wall for future finishing. Electrical was exposed conduit with strip lighting and ninety minute battery backup system. The walls 8″ thick poured with 4000 PSI concrete and reinforced steel on 12” centers each. The roof double matted reinforced steel, 18″ thick poured with 4000 PSI concrete. Doors-two in number outswing per code, hinges, hardware and frames bear certification that product has passed testing for FEMA specifications used in a Group storm shelter. All components used were tested to withstand EF5 tornados and winds in excess of 250 mph. This Shelter was painted company colors of royal blue and white to match existing structures.